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Saturday, November 2, 2013

Soul Suck (NaGaWriMo Day 2)

Day 2 of National Game Writing Month! These game concepts are silly one-offs that will never be considered for production. If you’re inspired by one, feel free to use it, but it would be nice if you told me!

Soul Suck is a competitive stealth game in which the players chose between three different undead creatures. All the creatures need a steady supply of life force (soul) to continue un-living. But the only way to gain more soul is to steal it from the other players. On a constant running clock the competition to hunt or be hunted, kill or be killed is intensified as you only have so long to last on your soul alone.

The three classes are Vampire, Succubus/Incubus, and Wraith.

Vampires are fast moving power houses, playing similar to the stealth action of recent Splinter Cell games. They have the fastest movement speed and most standard health.The down side being that unless played extremely carefully Vampires are noisy alerting other players to their presence. Vampires also have the longest Soul Suck leaving them exposed and sedentary while regaining health.

Succubus/Incubus use minor magic to increase their stealthy abilities. Short range teleportation and limited invisibility make them skilled hunters. Playing as this class is similar to the superpower stealth of Dishonored. The greatest benefit to playing as this class is the power bonus they have over the avatars of the opposite gender in other classes. Male Vampires and Wraiths will be weakened against Succubus’ and female Vampires and Wraiths will be weakened against Incubus’. The downsides to playing as a Succubus/Incubus is the adverse effect of the gender power. Succubus’ and Incubus’ will be less affective against other players of the same gender. Magic is also a limited resource, requiring time before it can be used again.

Wraiths are near total spectral creatures. They can turn invisible at will, make no sound and travel through walls. Playing as this class is the best option for pure stealth, but also the most difficult. Wraiths have the lowest level of standard health being easily dispersed by the other classes. To initiative a Soul Suck a Wraith must be visible, opening themselves to attack.

While invisible as either Succubus/Incubus or Wraith, you can see other invisible players.

The main map for competition is an abandoned castle at night. Providing ample verticality and shadows the map is designed to test the skill of very class as an open stealth playground.

Two modes of competitive game play are offered. First being an everyone for them-self style death-match, the winner being the player who survives the longest by stealing away other player’s health. Death is permanent in death-match. Second being a team based mode where the three classes compete to survive the night. A shared health pool is divided to all the players on a team and they work collectively to attempt to gain as much as possible.

Want to do your own NaGaWriMo? Write a good one and include the hash-tag!

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