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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Flight (NaGaWriMo Day 15)

Day 15 of National Game Writing Month! These game concepts are silly one-offs that will never be considered for production. If you’re inspired by one, feel free to use it, but it would be nice if you told me!

(So, I missed a post for the 15th. Please take this as an amends. I will also post another one for today for the 16th.)

Flight is a game where you play as a member of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. One day, out on a normal assignment, one terminally ill child, named Lindsy, says that her wish is to fly. So you take that and do your best to make it happen. But the thing is, due to her condition moving her is impossible. There is no way to get her on to a plane.

So what do you do? Here the game opens up to allow for many paths. Using mainly an interactive novel type user interface and gameplay (i.e. conversations and minor resource management), the explores the difficulty of being in essentially a mid-level employment position while at the same time doing real good. Each path has a defined ending although you can back out of any path at any time. Just know that Lindsy will respond to your actions and if she sees you repeatedly pulling out or going for long periods without progressing both her moral and physical well being will decline. Not all endings will be happy, but each should hopefully be worth while and in some way fulfilling.

Want to do your own NaGaWriMo? It’s fine if you start late. It’s a made-up challenge. Write a good one and include the hash-tag!

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