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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Perspective (NaGaWriMo Day 7)

Day 7 of National Game Writing Month! These game concepts are silly one-offs that will never be considered for production. If you’re inspired by one, feel free to use it, but it would be nice if you told me!

This is game is both inspired by GTA V and a deconstruction of GTA as a series. Perspective requires the player to examine the consequences of their actions. The character changing mechanic will be used after every time the player harms someone to put them in the perspective of the person just harmed.

Say you are driving down the street like a manic and run over one of two people walking on the side walk. The person hit dies on impact. Perspective shifts to that of the bereft person now and the player sets off on journey of revenge. That journey leads the player into conflict with the law. Shift perspective to that of police officer attempting to solve a hit and run case where the primary witness and suspect are trying to kill each other. A crazy bloody fire fight ensues. Shift perspective that of the cop’s boyfriend as he must deal with the loss and unanswered questions.

Lives are interconnected and an event in one affects all. Perspective is a game about examining that impact. Do whatever you like, but always remember: your actions have consequences.

Want to do your own NaGaWriMo? It’s fine if you start late. It’s a made-up challenge. If you write a good one and include the hash-tag!

Also let it be known that I will be away this weekend. My NaGaWriMo for the weekend will auto update over on the Tumblr sister site, however I have not found a way to auto update on blogger therefore there will be no NaGaWriMo this weekend on this blog.

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